Daily Pay: A Retrospective

At Medcall, we are always looking for innovative ways to enhance the work experience and wellbeing of our employees. Today, we are looking back on the journey of implementing one of our latest initiatives: the Daily Pay option.

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How It Started

The idea for Daily Pay began with a keen observation by our CEO, David, who noticed the growing trend of daily pay opportunities in the US. Recognising the potential value for our staff, our General Manager, Jessie, conducted an initial survey with 200 of our employees, and the response was overwhelmingly positive—75% of participants expressed interest in a daily payroll option.


From Concept to Implementation

Bringing Daily Pay to life was a collaborative effort. We partnered with BeWeb, working closely with their developers and our banking partners. The timing was fortunate, as New Zealand had just introduced seven-day banking, which perfectly aligned with our project's needs and meant our Daily Pay option could be truly daily, inclusive of even weekends and public holidays.

The implementation process was not without its challenges. Given that Daily Pay is fully automated, we needed to establish specific eligibility criteria. Initially, the criteria were quite restrictive, leading to some shifts not qualifying for next-day payment. However, through several rounds of adjustments and fine-tuning with BeWeb, we found a balanced approach that ensured the system was both secure and accessible.


Staff Feedback and Impact

We are pleased to report that Daily Pay has been very well received by our staff. Now, a few months after rollout, daily payments are going out to our staff every single day. Consistently, feedback has highlighted how Daily Pay has made it easier for employees to handle everyday expenses. Many have noted the convenience of having quicker access to money, which helps them pay bills promptly, manage fuel costs, and cover urgent expenses.

In a follow-up survey, 88% of respondents said they would likely recommend Daily Pay to other employees, and 63% reported it had positively impacted their work motivation and performance. One staff member shared, "Daily pay is ideal for me as I use this job as a top-up on top of my fortnight wage from my other job. It is great for topping up on groceries, paying an urgent bill, or for anything that pops up."


Looking Ahead

The journey to implement Daily Pay took just six months from concept to rollout—a testament to our team's dedication and the strong collaboration with BeWeb. While there were teething issues and necessary adjustments along the way, we are incredibly proud of the outcome and excited about the positive impact it has on our staff.

General Manager Jessie reflects, "If we were to do it again, I would have a longer trial period with a pool of 'guinea pig' staff to really tease out the issues before launch. But overall, we’re pleased with what we’ve achieved and the benefits it brings to our workforce."

To our knowledge, we have yet to see any other company in New Zealand offering a benefit like this to their staff; we are proud to be offering this unique benefit that meets the needs of our casual workforce. Daily Pay is more than just a payroll option; it's a step towards greater financial flexibility and support for our valued staff.

If you're interested in our Daily Pay option and want to learn more, get in touch with us today!